Procedures: ========== Every year for the last 20+ years, I have produced a calendar for my wife, Missy (and her mother, Grace, until she passed) that has birthday and anniversaries listed (along with federal holidays, daylight savings time changes, and IRS important dates). In recent years I have added the four season change times, phases of the moon, sunrise and sunset times, and Daylight Savings Time changes. I am offering to do the same for you if you're interested. To see what I am talking about, I have included an example PDF copy of a 2017 calendar similar to the my wife is using. You can use Adobe Acrobat Reader to see it. I have also include the four files used as inputs for the calendar. If you are interested, copy the 'example' files (not the PDF) to a similar name BUT with your desired name instead of 'example'. Instructions and formats for each file are included at the top. Note you don't need a monthly quotes file if you are happy with the 'default' version. Please do NOT use a word processor to create or modify those files--use a text editor like MS Wordpad (and save without any formatting). A better ASCII text editor on Windows is 'notepad++' which is available here: For example, say Joy and Sam Brown want their own personalized calendar, including their own monthly sayings at the top, they would copy and rename the files as something like: anniversaries.brown.txt birthdays.brown.txt front-cover-words.brown.txt monthly-quotes.brown.txt Then Joy and Sam would modify (edit) the files to have the anniversaries, birthdays, and monthly quotations they want. If you want me to make a personalized calendar for you, then start working on your input files and send them to me as you get them ready. We can continue to modify, generate a draft, and change inputs until you're happy with the product. The result will be a PDF file you can take to Office Depot and have them print it for you. Input file notes: ================ I keep notes or comments in each file as I modify them. If we decide to not print certain dates, I merely comment out that line (by adding a '# ' at the start of the line). That way the line can be activated again if wanted. I also add comments at the end of a date entry. For instance, if my wife learns a new birthday she wants to track, I just add the day and month and name. Later, if we learn the person's age, I first make a note about the circumstances of getting the date, then I calculate the birth year (and ascertain it with the person if possible), and then, finally, I add the appropriate bracketed birth year as shown in the files. Printing notes: ============== 1. Missy's 2017 calendar cost about $15 at Office Depot (20 lb white bond, one-sided, color, spiral binding with clear plastic front and black back cover). All you have to do is take the PDF to them on a USB stick or CD (you can try doing it online but I wouldn't do that--too many gotchas in the online printing submissions I've seen). 2. Make sure they use the PDF as is--do NOT try to scale it or fit to page. 3. Unless and until we put data on the reverse side of the pages, have them print one sheet per page. Note the cost may go up when we go double-sided, but the reverse sides will be in black unless you add pictures. Office Depot has been very good about respecting my wishes, and they should only charge color prices on an actual color page count. Miscellaneous notes: =================== Suggestions or criticisms are welcome. See my Computer Tech 2017 briefing ("Using Linux") for more information on planned features and other plans for the future. Calendaringly yours, -Tom Thomas M. Browder, Jr. 850-830-8078 (M) Note: I usually don't answer my phone unless I know the caller (i.e., have them in my contacts), so please leave a voice mail if I don't answer.