The Christmas address mailing list labels I can provide must be created from the SQLite3 database table format as shown in the following file: Christmas-addr-list.sqlite3 The file can be opened and modified as necessary by use of any SQLite3 database manager program. The one I used on Windows is the free SQLite Browser (also called DB Browser) available at: That database file, using SQLite Browser, was created by importing the following file: Christmas-addr-list.csv Use whichever format is easiest for you to add your own addresses. Unless the year of interest is in the input file name, be sure and let me know the year you want. The finished file (in either format) can then be sent to me to generate the mailing label pages in PDF format as shown in class. Those pages for the example format files above are to be found in this directory: More information on the SQLite database can be found here: If you want to use the two-owner system to distinguish between two people to split the list you must provide one name per "Owner" field in the input data. You must use two names, not just one, and the two names must be different at least in the first N characters where N is the number of characters in the shortest name. (Note the case of the letters in each name are ignored, i.e., 'E' is the same as 'e'.)